Previous Town Awards
Winner of the 2023 Award
Every two years the Ware Society makes an award for any development or project, completed in the preceding two years that has enhanced the appearance or amenity of the town. This year the judges were presented with five nominations, as shown below. Each of the five nominated projects offered an improved amenity for the town of which the people involved in their provision can feel rightly proud. The 2023 noinations were:
Priory Play Park:
The Skate Park:
Kingsmead Refurbished Cycleway :
Amwell End Redevelopment:
Ware Lido:
The award for 2023 was won for the work carried out on the Priory Lido. At the Society’s presentation evening on 2nd November the Town Mayor, Councillor Tom Day and Kat Harter accepted the award plaque, on behalf of Ware Town Council.
In making the award to the Lido the judges acknowledged the fact that the work carried out and the change of management structure had saved an amenity in terminal decline and transformed it into a vibrant attraction for the town.
Louisa Vollans and the Town Mayor were presented with a certificate of commendation for the work carried out on the Ware Priory Play Park.
Refurbishment of the Play Park was initiated by some dedicated volunteers and kick started through crowd funding. It provides inclusive, updated facilities for children in a wide range of ages and abilities.